Top Five Restaurants of 2017

My philosophy about eating out is the following: we should not eat out unless we are actually excited about the meal that awaits us. The thought of grabbing lunch in a food court at a mediocre stall or at a random chain en route to a destination makes me very sad. In my day-to-day life, I try to limit restaurant meals to two-three per week (usually dinners), and always do my due diligence before sitting down for a meal (or even a snack!). While traveling, I always look for those places that combine a magical ambiance with delicious food.

Similar to an earlier post about top five hotels of 2017, here is a list of my top five restaurant experiences of 2017. I hope you're hungry!

1. i Latina, Buenos Aires, Argentina

By the time you're reading this blog, I hope that you have already booked your trip to Argentina and that I have convinced you that Buenos Aires is the best city in the world (or close to it).

If you're looking for a spectacular gastronomical meal to cap off your trip, i Latina should be your pick. i Latina simply confirms why Buenos Aires is so phenomenal. 

You'll be treated to a seven-course tasting menu inspired by Latin America. The high-quality ingredients, the creativity of the dishes and the drink pairings (from cocktails, to bubbles, to wine, to digestif), the unpretentious vibe, the attentive service, the willingness to accommodate dietary needs, the casual, yet refined and artistic decor - it all comes together to create a memorable dining experience. 

In any other major foodie city in the world, a tasting menu of this quality would cost you double the price. Reservations are essential! 

The entrance patio at i Latina

2. Chicha por Gastón Acurio, Arequipa, Peru

Gastón Acurio is a very well-know Peruvian chef who has helped to establish Peru as one of the go-to gastronomical destinations in the world. While we were generally disappointed with our food experience in Peru (GASP!), this restaurant did not disappoint. 

The stuffed rocoto pepper was comforting and delicious. But can we talk about those ossobuco raviolis in a mustard sauce with caramelized onions!? So different, yet sublime! Oh, and that dessert to cap off the meal? A sensible sphere of chocolate on which the waiter poured melted chocolate to reveal baked apples, cinnamon foam and loche ice cream. You also get to enjoy your meal in a romantic 17th century courtyard. Enjoy.


3. Bodega Ruca Malen, Mendoza, Argentina

Prior to arriving in Mendoza, we had scouted out wineries that seemed to offer exceptional outdoor dining. Bodega Ruca Malen never appeared on our searches as a place that merited a lunch time visit. Yet, it seemed like a very popular winery that might be worth stopping by for a tasting. After discussing our expectations and taste buds with our driver Miguel (read about him in my top five accommodation of 2017 post), he thought that we would enjoy Ruca Malen. And he was spot on.

First, the setting is, simply put, spectacular. On a clear day, you overlook endless vineyards and an enormous snow-capped mountain range. 

The view from your table at bodega ruca malen

The view from your table at bodega ruca malen

We enjoyed a six-course lunch with wonderful bottomless wine pairings from Ruca Malen's cellar. Each dish was creatively presented and sublime. And that view! A perfect place for a long and leisurely lunch!


4. Bodega La Azul, Valle de Uco, Mendoza, Argentina

As my partner and I are pretty serious wine lovers, it's no surprise that a second vineyard lunch made its way into my top five restaurants of 2017. Bodega La Azul could not have a more different vibe than Ruca Malen though. For one, La Azul is much more casual in decor. The setting for your lunch is a pergola with small stones beneath your feet, surrounded by fields, and decorated by rustic colourful mismatched wooden tables and chairs, with some bright turquoise and pink accents. There are no white tablecloths here!


But the casual aspect of the restaurants stops at the food. Then food is exquisitely prepared. I could have licked clean the bowl in which the corn purée arrived! Once again, wonderful bottomless wine pairings complemented our meal.

5. Sarma, Somerville, Massachusetts 

I love Eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines. We are fortunate to have excellent restaurants offering these right at home, so it's rare that I will seek out such a restaurant when we are away. But, while planning a June trip to Boston, I read so much about Sarma, located in adjacent Somerville, being one of the best restaurants in America, that I felt that I had to find a way to eat here. After some slightly-compulsive checking of Open Table, we managed to snag a reservation at 8:45 p.m. When we arrived, the restaurant was packed, and we were immediately charmed by their decor. The food was fresh and creative, and the tapas-style portions allowed us to share and taste a multitude of plates. The pictures I took that night came out much too dark on my phone, but you'll have to believe me - dining here is such a treat!