Hi! I'm Tina. Based in Montreal, Canada.

People around me are constantly baffled that I am yet again on vacation. Travelling is simply my number one priority in life. If I have a long weekend, vacation time or an opportunity for adventure presents itself, I will seize it wholeheartedly! However, I also love cooking in my kitchen, the coziness of home and spending time with our two furry family members. A nomadic travel lifestyle is simply not for me. 

For as long as I can remember, I have been the person that people around me expect to "plan things". Whether this means suggesting tonight's restaurant, determining where to meet for after-work drinks or planning travel itineraries, I have always been a point of reference for family and friends, and have (most of the time) happily taken up that role. 

But my planning is not in the neurotic-I-can't-leave-anything-to-chance or in the we-must-see-everything-now kind of ways. But in the hey, non-work time is an opportunity for adventure and discovering new things, and travel time is too precious to be wasted eating at a bad restaurant! While I research extensively, my style of travelling when I reach a destination (especially a city) is to wander casually about, albeit knowing very well where to wander.

Since travel planning is undeniably a passion and hobby of mine, why not share the wealth of information that I go through and digest with like-minded individuals? 

My philosophy toward travel planning can be summarized as follows. If this resonates with you, you've come to the right place.

  1. I avoid organized group tours as much as possible.

  2. I rarely cover all of the top tourist sites. This is because I firmly believe that a better travel experience is had by concentrating on a select few experiences during a trip, and using travel time to embrace a destination, rather than, for example, simply visiting all historical and archeological sights "because you have to".

  3. My favourite moments are those casual afternoons in public gardens admiring flowers or lounging at a street-side table having a glass of wine and some snacks.

  4. A bad meal is, in my opinion, the most disappointing aspect of any vacation. Careful planning and research ahead of time can save you endless amount of time, arguments, frustration and disappointment!

  5. You only live once, so why worry incessantly about the future and the what ifs? When I'm on holiday, I don't penny-pinch. But I also don't spend uncontrollably on nonsense. I will splurge to stay in memorable accommodations, or to eat in a highly-rated restaurant. And you should too! There should not be a distinction between "what I'll do when I retire" and what you're doing now. Life is too short, and it's never too early to cross experiences and adventures off your bucket list (visiting the Amazon rainforest = check!). After all, you only live once.

This site is not for those seeking to embark on a nomadic lifestyle or how to travel on minimal amounts a day (there are great travel bloggers out there who can cover those topics much better than I can!). It is for those who are trying to maximize whatever holiday time they have by embarking on adventures at their own pace, minimizing organized travel as much as possible, and enjoying some creature comforts along the way. 

I hope that my passion for travel and adventure and my love of planning can be of use to you.

- T