14 Days in Peru

Visiting a sliver of the Peruvian Amazon was the highlight of my trip to Peru. This itinerary allows you to experience this amazing jungle, yet also take in some of the spectacular Peruvian Incan sites, the colonial town of Arequipa, and the fascinating Colca Canyon. This itinerary could be extended by adding trips to other areas of Peru (Nazca lines, Lake Titicaca, Huaraz), depending on your interests. 

Key Interests: Culture; Landscapes; Hiking; Wildlife

santa catalina monastery, arequipa, peru

santa catalina monastery, arequipa, peru

Sabancaya volcano erupting, en route to the colca valley, peru

Sabancaya volcano erupting, en route to the colca valley, peru

Salinas de maras, sacred valley, peru

Salinas de maras, sacred valley, peru


DAY 1: Fly into Lima. As flights in Peru are often delayed, it's a good idea to spend the night in Lima before heading off onto the next leg of your trip. See the blog about what to do with your time in Lima.

Arequipa and the Colca Canyon

DAY 2: Take an early morning flight to Arequipa, Peru's second-most populated city. Arequipa definitely lucked out in terms of natural beauty: the city is surrounded by giant volcanic peaks and experiences a tremendous amount of sunshine year round (something Lima unfortunately does not). Arequipa's city centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is easily walkable and enjoyed in a day. Spend the day wandering around the city centre, checking out the Plaza de Armas (the main square), the Museo Santuarios Andinos (do this before you visit the Colca Canyon) and the Santa Catalina Monastery (in that order - the light is better at the monastery in the afternoon).

DAY 3: Retain the services of a driver to take you on a two-day adventure to the Colca Canyon. Drivers are surprisingly affordable in Peru and make for a much more enjoyable experience than being crammed into a tour bus. Leisurely drive through the spectacular scenery outside of Arequipa, stopping as often as your heart desires (the greatest benefit of having a private transfer), enjoying the wildlife and birdlife viewing opportunities in Aguada Blanca National Park. Stay in the Colca Valley, perhaps visiting the hot springs available at your lodge or nearby, or some hiking through the beautiful stepped terraces that grace the canyon.

DAY 4: Wake up early in the morning for a short drive to the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world. It's also the home of the Andean condor. If you're keen, you can arrange with your driver for some time to hike down into the canyon (not to the bottom, unless you're planning on camping and spending an extra). Otherwise, enjoy seeing the Andean condors lift off and effortlessly swoop down into the canyon. Slowly make your way back to Arequipa. 

Cusco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu

DAY 5: Take an early morning flight to Cusco, the heart of Incan Peru. Perched at an altitude of around 3,400 m (11,200 ft), you'll need to spend some time acclimatizing in Cusco before you get up to any serious physical activity. Take a taxi, Uber or other ride-sharing service to Sacsayhuaman, a cool archeological site right above the town of Cusco. You can then walk slowly back to town downhill from there, visiting the Plaza de Armas or the Mercado San Pedro when you make it back to the centre of Cusco. Stay in the artistic neighbourhood of San Blas, for a panoramic view of the city and a break from the package tourists. 

DAY 6: Head for the Sacred Valley. Stop first in Tipón, a fascinating Incan ruin with beautiful agricultural terraces and an impressive water system. Head next to Písac to view more gorgeous ruins perched effortlessly atop a mountain. While you're there, check out the Písac market if you're in the hunt for Peruvian artisanal goods. Sleep in the Sacred Valley.

DAY 7: For day 2 of your Sacred Valley adventure, you'll check out three more fascinating sites. Ollantaytambo (ideally, visit here first for better light), Moray and the Salinas de Maras. Ollantaytambo is a large Incan archeological site set against the flank of a mountain. Moray presents a different take on Incan terraces, as the terraces are laid out in circular patterns. And, since pre-Incan times, locals have been mining salt at Maras, using thousands of individuals ponds. This sight is magical to witness. Sleep in the Sacred Valley.

DAY 8: Early morning wake up call! It's time to start your 2 day/1 night adventure to Machu Picchu, where you'll experience a small part of the Inca Trail. You'll need to book this well in advance with a licensed operator. We went with Alpaca Expeditions, and highly recommend them. You'll start your day with a train ride from Ollantaytambo to Km 104, where you will literally jump off the train and be left alone with your guide to begin your Inca trail adventure. You'll hike all day, visiting some beautiful Inca sites along the way, and cross the Sun Gate into Machu Picchu in the late afternoon, at a time when the site is at its quietest. Sleep in Aguas Calientes.

DAY 9: Early morning wake up call to visit Machu Picchu. Spend the full day visiting Machu Picchu, and choosing to hike to the top of either Huayna Picchu Mountain or Machu Picchu Mountain. Travel back to Cusco in the evening. 

Peruvian Amazon

DAY 10: Take a morning flight to Puerto Maldonado, a small city in southeastern Peru that is the capital of the Madre de Dios region of Peru. From this city, you can head to Tambopata National Reserve. 3 nights/4 days is a good amount of time to immerse yourself in this humbling jungle habitat, which is increasingly under threat. As the jungle is not safely accessed on your own, book with a recognized operator. We went with Rainforest Expeditions and loved our experience, staying at both the Tambopata Research Centre and Refugio Amazonas.

DAY 11: Explore Tambopata. 

DAY 12: Explore Tambopata. 

DAY 13: Fly back to Lima. See the blog about what to do with your final time in Lima.

DAY 14:  Fly back home.